DATE: November 23 at 8am

A very complete cultural hiking excursion to two of the most beautiful and best-preserved valleys in the province of Girona: Vall d’en Bas (La Garrotxa) and Vall de Llémena (Gironès).

Throughout the day, we will visit several picturesque villages: Els Hostalets d’en Bas, Sant Feliu de Pallerols, Amer, and Sant Martí de Llémena, and enjoy a pleasant, flat walk suitable for all ages in the Llémena Valley.

– Vall d’en Bas

Vall d’en Bas forms a first-rate geographical and scenic unit. Mountain ranges, ridges, and cliffs such as Cabrera dels Llancers, Freixaneda, and Puigsacalm surround meadows and forests of beech, oak, and holm oak until they reach the Bas plain, one of the most fertile soils in Catalonia, full of streams that cross the plain and flow into the Fluvià river.

But Vall d’en Bas is also rich in history, having been the land of serfs. The town still preserves the farmhouse where the peasant leader Francesc de Verntallat was born. Additionally, Vall d’en Bas includes two areas listed as historic-artistic sites: the village of El Mallol, located on a hill and the administrative capital of the viscounty of Bas for centuries, and the village of Els Hostalets d’en Bas, which originated from inns located along the old royal road from Olot to Vic.

– Vall de Llémena

Vall de Llémena is one of the most beautiful valleys in the province. An unspoiled natural environment, dotted with majestic farmhouses near the city of Girona. In the valley, formed by the Llémena River, we find small picturesque villages such as Sant Martí and Sant Aniol de Finestres, farmhouses and fortified houses, Romanesque chapels and sanctuaries like Santa Afra, caves, natural pools, and more.


A pleasant 4 km (1 hour) walk with very little elevation along the banks of the Llémena River, allowing us to stroll through the valley and enjoy a unique landscape: on one side, the iconic Rocacorba; on the other, the imposing Barroca mountain range.


For lunch, we will have two options: to eat together at El Cabrit, a very popular restaurant in Sant Esteve de Llémena (menu: 35 euros), or on your own (sandwich or packed lunch).


  1. Visit some of the most beautiful villages in the province of Girona.
  2. Enjoy a pleasant walk in Vall de Llémena.
  3. Learn about the complex history of two rural valleys.


– 8 a.m.: We will meet in Plaza Universitat to take our private bus.

– 10-11 a.m.: Arrival at Els Hostalets d’en Bas, breakfast, and village visit.

– 11:15-12 p.m.: Guided tour in Sant Feliu de Pallerols.

– 12:15-1:45 p.m.: Walk between Sant Martí de Llémena and Llorà (4 km on a flat path).

– 2:30-4:30 p.m.: Lunch (optional group meal).

– 5-5:30 p.m.: Guided tour in Amer.

– 5:30 p.m.: Return bus, arriving in Barcelona around 7:30 p.m.


✔︎ We will have lunch in a traditional cuisine restaurant. The group menu price is 21.5 euros. If preferred, participants can bring their own food (sandwich or packed lunch)

✔︎ The walk is easy, but a minimum level of physical fitness is required. Suitable walking shoes and a rain jacket are recommended, just in case.

✔︎ The excursion will only be canceled in case of very adverse weather conditions.

LANGUAGES: Spanish and Catalan (if you need some additional explanations in English, there is no problem).

TOUR GUIDE: Toni Bellido (official guide of Barcelona and Catalonia)

MEETING POINT Plaça Universitat (entrada principal de la Universitat de Barcelona)
DAY AND HOUR Saturday, November 23 at 8am
Private bus from Barcelona

Official local guide from Barcelona

Insurance Basic Plus Experience








Breakfast and lunch

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